More fun stuff
The Photo above is from a Big Sky Cowgirl Yoga Retreat in Montana, 2021.
Pictured on the right is Susan using laser therapy on her lesson horses to help keep them feeling great & happy to work.
Susan believes that hands-on body work can be important complementary practices for healthy riding. The results are a more complete integration of body awareness, and release of stiffness and pain resulting in the rider becoming more relaxed and skilled while riding.
Her years of studying and experiencing The Feldenkrais® Method have provided Susan with another tool to enable her students to perform with minimum effort and maximum efficiency. It uses gentle movements to reprogram the nervous system. The result is increased awareness, greater ease of movement, and increased ability to move with your horse. Although Feldenkrais is already incorporated into Susan’s riding lessons, she works closely with Sam Nelson, RochesterFeldenkrais.com
Below we have Steve & Smokey with guests at a Genesee Valley Hunt Meet. Big House Stables is in the "Jewel" of the GVH's Geneseo southern most
contingus hunt country.

Above we have Peggy Brown, Level 4 Master Centered Riding Instructor in her Skeleton suit. Notice the "Springs"